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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

0 Ungkapan Cinta Untuk Yang Tercinta

2:56 PM Under From Seputar Dunia
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Kau berikan aku kesadaran begitu indah cerita hidupku oleh SENYUMMU... I ♥ U

Tidak ada yang mampu membuat hati ini tersentuh, kecuali dirimu sayang, karena kamulah bidadari terindah dalam hidupku

Pagi yang cerah ketika bersamamu, malam yang indah ketika mendengarkan suara mu , hati yang bahagia ketika memiliki mu selamanya.

Jangan pernah merasa sepi, karena hatiku kan slalu menemanimu, Pejamkanlah matamu dan bermimpilah dalam tidurmu. bangunlah esok pagi dengan senyuman yang indah seindah mentari pagi yang bersinar!

Sepanjang nafasku masih berhembus, Aku akan terus menjaga, menyayangi dan melindungi satu-satunya kekasih hatiku.

Maafkan. Kau boleh lakukan apa saja untuk membalasku, mencaci, memaki, tapi jangan pernah tinggalkan aku

Jangan biarkan api asmara kita padam oleh tiupan badai cemburu. Kuingin cinta kita seperti bara yang makin benderang oleh hembusan angin.

Mekar mawar yang kautanam di hatiku, tercium wangi semerbak. Lambangkan segala sayang dan cinta, hanya untukmu seorang.

Aku bisa menemukan kamu di tengah keramaian dengan telinga dan mata tertutup. Itu karena aku mencari dengan hatiku.

Wajahmu tidak membuatku takluk, senyummu juga tidak bisa membuatku tersipuh, kecuali ketulusanmu mencintaiku yang membuat hatiku bertekuk lutut di hatimu.

Aku tidak mencari kecantikanmu ataupun harta milikmu, yang kubutuhkan adalah ketulusanmu Mencintaiku.

Kamu boleh berbangga hati memilikiku, karena akulah lelaki setia yang terakhir di dunia ini.

Aku sadar aku tak sempurna tetapi kau menyempurnakan ku dengan Cinta mu

Jika mencintaimu dimulai dengan senyuman, tumbuh dengan dekapan dan akan kuakhiri dengan sebuah pelaminan.

Tak perlu lagi kamu mencari dimana tulang rusukmu, Aku disini yang akan menjadi tulang rusukmu

Aku gak mungkin bisa membaca pikiranmu, tapi satu yg bisa kulakukan: mencintaimu segenap hatiku

Jika aku selalu membuatmu kesal berikanlah aku waktu untuk membahagiakan mu walaupun hanya sebentar

Aku akan tetap menjaga indahnya cinta kita meski suatu saat pelangi tak lagi sanggup menjaga indahnya goresan warnanya

Aku pasrahkan cintaku untukmu pada Yang Kuasa, meski dengan tangis kau ku lepaskan, hanya demi kebahagiaanmu..

Cinta adalah berbagi. Karena walau ada di dua raga, setiap pasangan hanya memiliki satu hati Aku pasrahkan cintaku untukmu pada Yang Kuasa, meski dengan tangis kau ku lepaskan, hanya demi kebahagiaanmu..

Tak perlu menunggu ucapan cinta darimu, perhatian mu dan senyummu sudah cukup membuat ku tau, kau mencintaiku

Aku selalu berusaha mencintai segala kekuranganmu. Bukankah memang itu yg seharusnya?

Cukup kau katakan pada semua orang, bahwa yang tulus mencintaimu hanya aku!

Tak banyak kata yang bisa kuberi. Cukup kau tatap mataku dan lihat senyumku, berjuta cinta bermuara disana.

Ketika aku tak berada di samping mu, bukan berarti aku tidak bersamamu, ingat hatiku selalu bersamamu

Waktu yang mempertemukan kita , Waktu yg membuktikan besarnya cinta kita untuk bersama

Bila waktu tak izinkan kita terus bersama maka izinkan aku untuk terus menyimpanmu di dalam hatiku..

Teruslah berlari. Tapi jika kau lelah, tengoklah ke belakang. Ada aku yg selalu menantimu.

Sesakit apapun kau menyakitiku, aku masih mencintaimu dan masih setia menunggumu disini.. CAYANK.

Perasaan memang tak bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata, perasaan hanya bisa di ungkapkan dari hati ke hati.
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Monday, October 8, 2012

0 Creating an altar

2:08 PM Under From Seputar Dunia
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When we create an altar in our home or our garden we take the time to honor our intention to grow spiritually. An altar can be located anywhere in your home; it can be large or small, simple or elaborate. It is best if you place it in a quiet area where it won’t be disturbed. 

Well-intentioned friends may be attracted to the objects you have placed on your altar and automatically pick something up to admire. While you may love this friend dearly, you do not want your altar to take on the energy of others. If your altar is in a location that is within reach of visitors, you may want to post a simple sign asking others not to touch the altar. It is important that your altar be maintained as a sacred place.

If your space is limited you might consider using a tray that can be stored when not in use. Just like a table altar, choose your sacred items but on smaller scale. Also, consider building an altar in your garden. Outside altars provide the perfect opportunity for connecting more strongly with Mother Earth. If you don’t have a garden, consider bringing your altar tray out of doors. Meditating outside feeling the energy of the Earth and the light of the stars can be a powerful experience.

If you are a frequent traveler you can put together a small altar that you can take with you. You can either choose some of the smaller objects from your home altar that will travel well, or you might want to create a separate traveling altar. The hotel bedside table is a great place for your items. 

There is no right or wrong way to create an altar. You should design what seems right to you. This becomes your sacred place for meditating and contemplation.

Here are some things to consider for your altar:

•Any small table can be used, or even a tray that can be stored out of the way and taken out for meditation time.

•Put your altar in a place where it will not be disturbed and allows you enough room to be comfortable when meditating.

•If you wish, you can add a simple cloth to serve as an anchor for the items placed on your altar. There is an assortment of altar cloths that can be ordered via the internet.

•One or more candles to burn while you are meditating.

•A visual focus, something to help quiet your mind as you get ready to meditate 

•Your favorite crystals

•Flowers, flower petals or some other representation of nature

•If you are working with your totem animals you might include a picture of the animal you are working with.

•A small statue, perhaps a Buddha, cross or other spiritual figure or symbol.

•Add and subtract over time and as your focus changes.

It is important that your altar be maintained as a sacred place. Visitors to your home may admire your altar, but it is important that they are instructed not to touch your items. Their energy, whether positive or negative will be transferred to the object they touch. 

Many people like to put together a small altar that they can take with them when they travel. You might want to choose some small items from your altar that will pack easily. The hotel room desk or end table can be set up as your altar.

Article Write By Karen De Grenier
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0 Using Your Imagination

2:07 PM Under From Seputar Dunia
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Today is just another day, but could it be more? What if you decided that today was going to be a special day? What would you do? The possibilities are endless. Your only limitation is your imagination. Is your imagination free or do you keep it chained to an earthly reality? What if you let your imagination soar to new and different places?

Try this exercise: You are on a planet that is warm and you are walking along a beach looking at the five moons in the sky, each a different pastel color. As you walk you encounter the inhabitants of this planet. Now visualize these people, how do they communicate with you, how do they live. Be fanciful in your ideas. You are not on Earth anymore.

Did you find it difficult to really let go and imagine freely? If so, you need to practice imagining things that are far removed from your day-to-day reality. "Why?" you may ask, because without a well-developed imagination your ability to create is weakened. It is the imagination that provides the spark for creation.

We came to Earth so that we would have the ability to use our powers of creation in the physical realm. Creation is the spirit of who and what we are. So often we are not aware of our creations on a daily basis, but we do in fact create throughout the day. If we become aware of each and everything we create during the day, including our attitude and how we interact with others, we would recognize the opportunities that are available to us each day.

If you try to make the mundane into a game of "how can I be more creative when I do this?" you are taking the opportunity to challenge your brain to think differently. Over time this helps to condition your mind to look for alternatives rather than simply doing or reacting as you routinely do. This accompanied with devoted imagination time will unlock your innate powers of creation. Imagination is the tool that sets you free to explore all that is and can be.

Article Write By Karen De Grenier
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0 Renaissance Tarot

2:05 PM Under From Seputar Dunia
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The Renaissance Tarot is an extraordinary deck by Jane Lyle. It has the standard amount of 78 cards, and for the ordering of the Major Arcanas theTarot de Marseille pattern is followed, Justice is 8 and Strength is 11. As we will see later on, a lot of the images on the cards are based on the Tarot de Marseille, but there are also a lot of cards that resemble the Rider Waite Tarot.

The reason that this deck is so extraordinary is that the images are based on 3-dimensional works of art, designed by Helen Jones. A lot of bronze, gold and silver colors are used, that make the cards look very rich. Every card shows a beautiful scene against a bright-colored background. Each suit has its on background color, red for Wands, light-blue for Cups, purple for Swords, and green for Pentacles.

In contrast to the rich colors, this deck is the most calm and peaceful deck I have ever seen. Since the cards look so calm, they could seem "simple", but the cards are filled with symbols. The cards contain all kinds of symbols, including mythological symbols from ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The peacefulness of the cards is enhanced by the expression of the persons on the cards. There are no sad or angry faces, and only a few faces that smile, most faces look serene but confident.

The Minor Arcana cards show the most similarities to the Tarot de Marseille, since a lot of them mostly show the elements of the suit. For instance, let' s take a look at the 10 of Cups from both decks. The 10 of Cups from the Tarot de Marseille shows 10 Cups, arranged in a symmetrical pattern. The Renaissance 10 of Cups also shows 10 Cups, but in a very different form. The shape is that of a pyramid, reaching the top of the card, and the Cups seem to be overflowing. According to the book, the pyramid symbolizes a peak in an emotional cycle, and flowing from the Cups are the waters of Love and Creational powers. Compared to this card, the Tarot de Marseille card looks dull and deprived of symbolism.

But there are also Minor Arcana cards that show a lot of similarities with the Rider Waite, as we can see in the 8 of Swords. The scene in both cards is almost identical, but the Renaissance Tarot depicts it in a more simple but powerful form. The woman in the Rider Waite 8 of Swords could have been tied by someone else and could be unwilling to free herself. The person on the Renaissance card isn't tied with ropes, but with his own thoughts. According to the book, the card clearly illustrates that the "prison" the person is captured into, is self-created. The Renaissance card shows less details, but provides a fuller picture.

The Major Arcana cards are deeply influenced by the Rider Waite Tarot, but some cards show interesting variances. Let's take a look at the Lovers card from both decks. The Rider Waite Lovers card shows Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. The Renaissance Lovers card shows a man representing the Sun and the Yin principle, and a woman representing the Moon and the Yang principle. So instead of only concentrating on love, this card talks about the opposite primal forces of life that need each other to form a unity.

Because of the peace in the cards, this deck would be excellent for meditation and contemplation, especially after readings. The versatility of this deck makes it truly a work of art.

Article Write By Jackie Williams
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0 Meditation

2:04 PM Under From Seputar Dunia
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Meditation is not a difficult or esoteric practice available only to those of us who are already in touch with our spirituality. Neither is it achievable with only a specific goal in mind. A mediator's path is both endless and endlessly rewarding for it's an experience of peace, not an act carried out to find peace.

I teach my students the essence of meditation. The essence of meditation is a natural experience of healing. The word "meditation" comes from the Latin word "mederi" which means to heal: the call of the spirit to the peace within. If you're an honest person and can look at your own life, you'll recognize pain, suffering and darkness in certain areas. The deepest repair to your being is when meditation gives you its greatest gift: the realization of who you are. With this comes freedom. The ultimate destination of meditation is freedom for the spirit.

Spirit is distinct from mind, but yet, may recruit this faculty for its own purposes. Meditation draws these strands together in a unity of being. You are spirit, which is conscious and self aware, and the mind is your faculty of creation, the canvas which spirit paints its inspiration into a reality. Meditation is the road to self-realization. Along that road you need to cast aside all of your false identities. This is essential if you're going to create that internal space in which you can welcome back your inner peace you have lost along life's way.

A common misconception about mediation is that if removes you from consciousness. You feel that you need to stop thinking. In fact, the opposite is true. Meditation teaches you to contemplate yourself using your own purest thoughts, such as "I am spirit and MY original and eternal nature is peace." Only thoughts unencumbered by rationalization can open the window onto self-knowledge and self-understanding.

As your spiritual self-awareness becomes stronger, so does your ability to move about in the world as a free and assured human being, with increasing calm amid life's turbulence. You'll also gain a greater capacity for empathy and compassion towards others who are not at peace. Meditation gives you a sense of togetherness with all things, the community of spirit. You're able to appreciate each of your worldly experiences with a more focused vision of what's important.

When you first begin meditation, it's best to find a quiet empty space with NO distractions, (ideally a room in your home or apartment that's rarely visited by others), so you can learn to focus your mind. Start out with ten or fifteen minutes per day. You can always lengthen this when it seems appropriate and only after your initial sessions. Soft lighting can help the atmosphere, to help you focus. When first learning to meditate, I suggest trying a guided commentary such as a recording by an experienced Meditator who can lead you into soul-consciousness. At the end of the session, reflect on your experience. Note how your mood has changed and how valuable the mediation has been.

Article Write By Jackie Williams
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0 2012 - Apocalyptic Myth or Truth

2:03 PM Under From Seputar Dunia
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In spite of differing opinions, theories and views about 2012, it is not a fatal apocalypse about the end of the world like in the 2012 Hollywood movie. According to the Mayan Prophecy and Calendar 2012 signifies that we are currently undergoing an unprecedented cosmic, energetic and evolutionary shift - a transitional choice point with a rare opportunity to truly change our selves and world.

This is becoming more and more clearly visible and evident through the social, political, ideological, economic, environmental upheavals and crises occurring on the planet right now, such as:

- Earthquakes,tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, climate and other physical Earth changes 

- The power balance in the world is shifting from West to East

- The banks and our economies are weak because irresponsible, economic growth models and financial systems are no longer sustainable 

- The natural resources of the Earth are strained and marine ecosystems on the brink of collapse 

- Social chaos, uprising, unrest and upheavals (e.g. in the Middle East) 

- Our leaders are not addressing enough of these concerns and problems 

- Time and evolution are accelerating (our perception of time and reality is changing)

- New technological and scientific breakthroughs 

- Shocking developments, unexpected revelations and turbulent world events continue

Whether or not you believe in this association with 2012 - there is some reality for us to look at for sure. It can be a wild and scary time depending on how we choose to look at it. So uncertain, on the brink of Heaven knows what is going to happen or happen next. Pretending that the 2012 phenomenon is not real can be downright stupid if not dangerous if a global, collective shift is about to occur. 

Whatever is coming our way, it is only natural if we are sensing something "is in the air". When we scrape the surface of the daily news we can see that what looks like mere incidents might in fact be triggered by the 2012 phenomenon. In this way the 2012 Shift is a subject of much controversy related to the past, present and future. 

What Can You/We Do then? If we can understand that we are in unprecedented times of change together, it becomes easier. Secondly, we have to become more aware of how our individual thoughts, words and actions are often governed by our so-called human catastro-phobia of fears that can only lead us in the wrong direction if our "old world" is going through a shake up or wake-up call. 

The 2012 Shift is a once in a lifetime individual, local, global and cosmic event where the world "flips over" into a new cycle, paradigm or era. In this way we are sharing a most unusual time of emergency and emergence that is bound to make its mark and impact all of us. Are you ready?

Article Write By Peter Christian
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0 Something About The Dream

2:02 PM Under From Seputar Dunia
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Every human being has dreams, but normally those dreams concern only themselves and their loved ones. There are such dreams though which includes the country and sometimes the world. Some of these dreams are collective ones and some are individual. The dream for Jerusalem World Center confusingly comes under both the categories. It means, the dream is both collective and individual. If you are feeling a little out of place and finding it difficult to understand the whole thing, then a little explanation will make things clear and help you to understand the matter better than before. 

This is the dream of Mr. Mike Evans, and this is why it is an individual dream. At the same time, when this dream is going towards reality, other people are also associated with it. There is the prime minister of Israel and other politically powerful people, and there are common people too. It is Evans’s request of the people all over the world and also of the country to help him make his life long dream come true. In this context, there is also something else which is undeniable. If a project is big and has passed the boundary of individuality, common people are its biggest strength. 

After a long reach, a location perfect for the World Center has been zeroed upon. The contract has been signed and within a few months time, work will start. As the dream is to bring both the Jew and Christian culture together, the most desirable spot for the World Center is near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and that is exactly where the center is going to be created. Jews are being God fearing have prayed a lot to Him and have thus gone through all the problems and sufferings in the world. This is the time, when they need to depend more on their God. 

If you are wondering what is wrong with such a beautiful dream, then you need to take a short tour of the political situation in the Middle East. The relation between Israel and other Arabian countries in not at all good, rather they are happy to hate each other. After living in a scenario like this for a long time the hatred has matured and a lot of people have vowed to eliminate Israel form the face of the earth. In such a situation standing up for something so strong and important like the bond between Christian and Jews can make things easier and simpler than before. 

Along with that, the situation in Israel is changing. Countries like England and US have been supporting for this country for a long time. Now, the political situation is such that those countries are withdrawing their support slowly but certainly. So, basically within the coming years, Israel will become a country which will have to defend itself without any help from anyone else. Living among such hostile situation and the area cannot be good, so, they need something which will help the people of the world know about the rich culture of Israel and Jews. So, making the dream come alive has become one of the most important things these days.

Article Write By David Carter
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0 Basics of Patch Management

2:00 PM Under From Seputar Dunia
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Patches are small parts or pieces of software which are used to fix and upgrade the programs and data of computers. This process has security vulnerabilities fixing and removing bugs for improved performance. It is also termed as a process of making a plan to what types of patches to be implemented to the systems in the given time frame.

Types of Patches:

Well the programmers usually publish patches in different formats but there are mainly three types of patch formats available like Hotfixes, Roll-ups and Service Packs.

Hotfixes: These updates are developed in a short span of time and they detect and solve a single issue of any bug found to be detected by a customer. These Hotfixes are not very much tested. 

Roll-ups: Roll-ups are a combination of many Hotfixes in a single one. It is a single updated file and tested more frequently.

Service Packs: Service packs are very much tested and a collection of Hotfixes including all, are produced by Microsoft. These collections include those Hotfixes which are not released earlier and with this the new functionality introduced. Service packs mainly underpass crucial testing processes before they are released.

Process of Patching:

Usually it is an ongoing and a continuous process because if for any issue patching is done then again there may be a new vulnerability formed. Patch management process have several functions like:

a) Using of appropriate tools to detect and scan the system for missing security patches.

b) Let the necessary updates are not installed then the hardness of the issues should be determined. You should balance the severity of the problem and check if they can affect the environment or not.

c) And if issue could not be determined they appropriate patch should be tested to be applied.

d) After that the testing face comes and the patch should be installed on a testing system.

e) Then apply the patch to the systems and apply the backups if needed.

f) In the end when everything is ok and running then subscriptions for alerts should be done so that if any issue may come in future, should be informed.

Scope of Patch Management:

Most of the Remote IT Support companies are using the concept of vulnerability management. The main concern for them is to maintain the security of the information and data because information security is the crucial aspect of the business growth. It has a good scope for the users as it is keep updated related to the security patches and there are many patch management software which a user can use and can update too.
Patching is a big concept and has many more concepts in it to be discussed later. Relatively many server support services provider are also using this process which is beneficial and saving their time and resources. This is giving their clients good and improved services. 

Article Write By Khalid Kamal
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0 Faster Network Inventory with NEWT Professional

1:59 PM Under From Seputar Dunia
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IT professionals have always needed to cope with the growing difficulty that accompany monitoring an growing quantity of personal computers like a business develops. This kind of require is generally known to as Network Inventory or PC auditing. Sometime ago, if a person needed hardware and software inventory across a network, it meant physically going to each computer on that network and recording my way through a spreadsheet manually. Fortunately, through the years, software and OS's have greatly enhanced, making Network Inventory simpler. NEWT Professional is a software product produced to lessen the work involved with Asset Management. Developed since 2003, NEWT has developed right into a high-speed PC Inventory tool, able to scan hundreds of computer systems in minutes, saving money and time for organizations of all dimensions.

In the world of Network Management, you'll find several techniques used to Network Inventory computers. Two primary divisions are tools designed to use an agent and ones which are agent-less. Many agent-less tools could be extremely slow and/or have many difficulties with computer and security configuration, for example WMI (Windows Management Interface), thus they still require going to individual computer systems to "fix" issues before they could be audited. This is very frustrating to Network Inventory advisors. Utilizing an agent can circumvent these issues but frequently requires days or hours of extensive deployment.

The coders at Komodo Labs devoted well over 180 days developing a strategy to alleviate these Network Administration problems, leading to their latest version, 2.5. NEWT Professional now only requires read/write access to the ADMIN$ (pronounced "admin dollar" or administrator share), which is available by default to administrators in Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. This enables Network Inventory to get the same information in only minutes that before required hundreds of hours. Not just have scan speeds improved, but network bandwidth was greatly reduced, making it possible to accomplish Network Inventory over slow connections, for example WANs (Wide Area Systems) with little effect on network traffic.

NEWT Professional is helpful for nearly any network in which a total Network Inventory is required, and several MSP (Managed Service Providers) and Network Inventory technicians use NEWT Professional to quickly detect configuration information for his or her clients. It picks up all of the normal Hardware and Software Inventory information, including CPU info, system serial numbers, OS Product Keys, etc., but additionally goes one step further, gathering CPU temperature, system and hard disk temperature, USB type (1.x, 2.0 or 3.0), correct hard disk type (IDE versus. SATA) & serial number, monitor type (LCD/CRT), detailed RAM Slot info and many more.

After carrying out a Network Audit, data will come in a simple-to-read spreadsheet-like view, with options including saving to NEWT's own format, exporting to Excel, HTML, text or perhaps a fully relational MS Access (MDB) database.

In terms of blazingly fast network inventory, NEWT Professional meets the requirements of network professionals everywhere, all without emptying your wallet.

Article Write By Neyda Tayner
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0 Exchange Server

1:58 PM Under From Seputar Dunia
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First of all, when you install Exchange Server, you have to plan all the roles this server is going to take. A role performs a very specific function within the environment. Usually only one of these functions is necessary, but we just have to think how many of each of these roles we want in our network, and where they are going to go. Now some roles can be combined with other roles, and some cannot be combined on the same server.

The server roles that we will discuss here are the mailbox server role, client access server, hub transport server, edge transport server and unified messaging server. The mailbox server role hosts mailboxes and public folders; so, this is where the actual database is. This server role supports clustering, which is very helpful for one to not lose their mailbox database. This type of server should always be protected behind a firewall and with a good antivirus. Do not forget to join the server in the Active Directory either, because this is a Microsoft requirement and uses fast accessible storage for mailbox databases. If you have many users and they send and receive a lot emails, you will need it for sure.

The client access server role allows the "non-mapi clients" to access the mailboxes. These mapi clients will actually connect to the mailbox server itself. Now when we talk about non-mapi clients we are dealing with POP or IMAP protocol, Outlook Anywhere, Outlook Web Access and finally ActiveSync. All of these are alternative ways for people to check their messages. This role must be placed in each Active Directory site, if this site has a mailbox server. Also, it must reside behind the firewall and, of course, it needs a fast, reliable connection to all the other mailbox servers.

The hub transport server contains a message categorizing and routing system that is used for delivering messages. It is a necessity to have a fast and reliable connection to the mailbox and global catalog servers. Moreover, it is required to place at least one hub transport server per site if that site has a mailbox server installed. You must also join all hub transport servers to the Active Directory domain.

The edge transport server role takes care of Internet message delivery, and is always deployed in an organization's perimeter network. It will accept all emails coming into the company. This is where anti-virus and anti-spam protection should be used. Here we apply the edge transport rules, used to manage the flow of email messages that users send or receive over the Internet. Using these rules, one can apply specific actions for any and all messages that meet specific criteria. For security purposes, this server role cannot be a member of the Active Directory.

Finally, the unified messaging server role allows us to integrate all of our emails, voice mails and facsimiles within Exchange Server. After installing this server, you can access everything just by using your Outlook mailbox. It is important for this server to have a continuous, uninterrupted connection with the global catalog server, mailbox servers and hub transport servers, since all of them are going to work together for delivery straight to your mailbox.

If you are also in need of routing telephone calls, do not forget to get yourself and IP-PBX or VoIP gateway device, to handle the routing.

Hope you got the basics of Exchange Server cleared up!

Manolis Skoras is a Cisco, Microsoft and HP Certified Trainer and systems-network engineer. Recently he created a CCNA Study Quides website, to help his students and people around the world to better understand the material they will be tested on, thus having greater success rates. Check Certify4Sure today!

Article Write By Manolis Skoras
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0 Wireless Range Extenders

1:57 PM Under From Seputar Dunia
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A wireless range extender/repeater enhances the range of a wireless network. It requires a pre-existing wireless network. With a repeater, the same name for the network is kept (setting up a second access point would create a second WiFi network). All a repeater does is refresh the signals it obtains from the main router. In this manner it is able to relay the signals to parts of a house or office that receive little or no signal from the base router. This is all done wirelessly, with the repeater only needing a power outlet and a good location to function.

Normally, a single wireless device has lots of modes – wireless repeating being just one of them. These modes are often wireless access point, wireless bridge or wireless repeater. There are, however, a good number of good products available that are committed repeaters. These are often extremely easy to set up (versus a multi-mode device that likely needs more in-depth set-up work). They are also usually a lot more compact than the multi-mode devices, and can be directly plugged into a power source (with no wires needed).

Are some devices in your home or workspace too far away from your wireless router to link up to the internet? You might solve your problem with a wireless repeater. It is common to have poor network coverage in a basement or in the yard in a household with one wireless access point located in the office, for instance. This all depends on distances and wall thicknesses, naturally – sometimes the signal can have a hard time covering any more than one level. In such circumstances a wireless repeater provides a straightforward solution. The low-coverage area can be connected to the network by setting up a repeater at some point in between the main router and the area where coverage is needed.

Some crucial features you would want to look out for when looking for a wireless repeater are compatibility, range and ease of setup. The next level in high-speed wireless connection is Wireless-N. This technology has the range and capacity to handle the high bandwidth usage of game consoles and streaming high-definition video. some wireless-ready devices are not Wireless-N compatible, however; especially older devices will only work with a repeater compatible with the older B and G bands. It’s a good idea, then to buy backwards-compatible repeater devices to cover all bases (almost all of them are, but there are always exceptions).

While shopping for a repeater, knowing the extent of the boost necessary is important. For a small signal boost (for example, in cases where the signal gets to the area in question but is a bit weak) this wouldn’t matter much, but for bigger boosts to the signal being necessary a higher-quality repeater with a high maximum reach would be in order. The best measure for this is likely to be reading user reviews to get an idea what other owners of the device have managed to do with a given device.

And last, it’s advisable to get a repeater with fairly simple set-up procedures if possible. Often the documentation can be slim, and if you don’t have much knowledge in the area you might run into trouble. Once more, this is a case where customer reviews are a valuable source of information; additionally, sometimes searching for help on the internet will get you a good detailed set of instructions to initialize your device if you’re having difficulties.

Article Write By James Shelton
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0 The Power of a Custom Facebook Fan Page

1:54 PM Under From Seputar Dunia
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The Power of a Custom Facebook Fan Page Social networking sites like Facebook have become a powerful tool for an online business. A business owner can take their website to a new level of marketing power just by using a social network site. By using one of these sites, a business owner can promote their product to an endless list of viewers. Friends and family can aide your marketing power by sharing your website with their friends and family. Before you know it, your online business is being viewed by thousands of potential customers with little effort on your part. There are a few steps to consider when using a social network. 

When done correctly, an entrepreneur can supplement his/her business by using a Facebook fan page. Fan page template designs can be found on sponsored ads for free. While the thought of having a free page template is tempting, you should consider the level of quality that they offer. 

Experts of website design suggest that business owners avoid using these free fan page templates. Most of the templates are considered sub standard and carry little professionalism. You want a fan page that stands out and grabs visitor attention. The pre designed templates seldom have the high quality desired by professional business. 

When followers go to a fan page, the product or service is not the first thing noticed as a rule. They notice color schemes, profile images and the brand at first glance. You want to avoid the cookie cutter approach used by many of your competitors. You want to stand out to the reader with a unique look. 

Many people compare a fan page to a store front display. In order to draw customers into the store, one must lure them with an interesting window display. The best way to accomplish this would be to hire an expert in window display. Facebook fan pages are no different. By hiring a professional to design your page will ensure the best quality of service. When you have a professional eye catching fan page, you are more likely to have the followers sharing the site with other Facebook users. 

One of the greatest investments a business owner can make is to hire a professional web design company to customize a Facebook fan page. This will ensure greater exposure with the social networking and lend a professional appearance to the business. 

Having a fan page name that relates to the business or product is imperative to your pages success. If your page name doesn’t grab the reader’s attention, they won’t be interested in looking any further. You want to grab the attention of the reader by using a name that relates your product or service, inviting them to look further and liking your page. This will encourage the reader to share your page with their friends and family. Clear understanding of your page and what it represents will ensure a larger reader base. Using your business name in your page heading will communicate to the reader what the page is about. Adding keyword in the title will also increase your success. 

When you implement these ideas to your Facebook fan page, you will greatly improve your business by adding more value and exposure. 

Article Write By Tanya Jones
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0 Build My Rank Review - How to Go About Increasing Your Blog's Page Rank

1:53 PM Under From Seputar Dunia
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Google dominates the world of search engines and online searches. It's the leading search engine online and nobody can beat it. This is why almost all of the traffic that gets generated on the Internet is generated through the Google search engine. If you want your blog to earn tons of traffic you need to make sure that it gets ranked within Google. No matter how new or how old your blog truly is, the ultimate goal of every blogger needs to be ranked for their targeted keywords within this important search engine. If you truly want to achieve this, you will need to raise the page rank of your blog. Here are some easy things that you can do to increase the page rank of your blog.

There are quite a few blog directories online. These are little more than communities or networks built in order to find a bunch of different blogs. As a blogger you can usually submit your blogs for no cost to the majority of these directories. As "payment" you will get backlinks from every directory that you've submitted your blog to. These days, a lot of blog directories have good reputations with Google. They also have great Page ranks of their own and that is why it is important to link to them. You can easily search online and create a list of these blog directories. When you've got them on hand, the next step is to submit your blog. Just the way that there are blog directories, the Internet also has article directories. The most popular ones are EzineArticles.com and GoArticles.com. Most of the time these directories don't ask for money for submissions. Most of these directories allow you to add a resource box along with the article. In this resource box you can link to your blog. A popular article directory will have a good Pagerank, which means linking to it makes sense. The more articles that you publish in these directories the better off you will be. Start with the popular directories and then slowly move on to the other less popular ones.

If your goal really is to increase the page rank of your blog, you need to focus completely on the efforts you make over the long term. You won't do it in just one day though so don't expect to get a high page ranking right away if you are just getting started. Your approach needs to be consistent and patient. You need to make sure that you are putting in all of the effort that you can so that you can gradually raise your page rank over time. Don't spoil your blog's reputation by using any fast track methods that don't make sense. Choosing the most ethical way to get out there and you will be all good. 

When you want to get more backlinks, you need to be as consistent as possible. SEO is always changing--this is something that you can't stop. The pace at which Google changes its rules and algorithms is really quick. What worked for you this morning might not be the best strategy tomorrow morning. The best thing that you can do if you want to increase your page ranking is to keep it stable. If you want to help yourself, building links as consistently as possible is the best way to do that. The more effort that you put into increasing your stability the better off you will be.

Article Write By Pamala laurey
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0 Tips in Maintaining Privacy in Facebook

1:50 PM Under From Seputar Dunia
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Social networking is growing and so are the number of people who are addicted to its incredible features. Since Facebook is certainly among the most liked social networking site, people get carried away by its features easily. Maintaining one’s Facebook privacy matters most as keeping complete control of an account is crucial to one’s privacy online. Since maintaining Facebook privacy settings is easy, a user can configure them according to his preference. Since a person’s reputation is based on what he shares and posts on Facebook wall, privacy is important. By simply logging on, one can change those settings so that one cannot simply intrude and see everything about you.

Here are a few tips to stay away from dangers of Facebook intrusion:

Settings: Privacy settings on Facebook are automatically set to private profile. It means that no one but your friends can see what it says. If you haven't added someone as your friend, they will not be able to see much about your profile. You would have to go in and physically change those settings so that no one could simply go in and see everything about you.

Photos- It can be a lot of fun to upload a ton of pictures onto your Facebook account. You want to share them with everyone. The problem with this is that you may not want the whole world to see your personal photos. If you don't want people to know what you look like, you are better off leaving personal photos off the site. You might have your site set to private, but there is someone out there that won't mind hacking into your account to see what you have there.

What's on your mind- This is where you can tell others what is going on with you. You can be as open or closed mouth about what you are doing as you want to be. You do not have to post every move you make on Facebook, as no one will really care about most of it. Be picky about what you put there. This is the best way to maintain a sense of privacy on Facebook.

Maintaining a sense of privacy on Facebook is all about how you handle your account. If you handle it carelessly or you simply don't care, you will not have any privacy at all. If you choose to, there are many ways that you can keep unwanted people from reading or seeing what you don't want them to read and see. It's all about personal responsibility.

Fix your Facebook privacy settings and protect your personal information on Facebook. For an advanced privacy protection, Enroll with MyId and get real time privacy alerts via email or text if your privacy is at risk on social media sites. Protect your privacy on Facebook with MyID and enjoy networking.

Article Write By Joy Mali
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0 How to Begin a Website in 4 Easy Steps!

1:46 PM Under From Seputar Dunia
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How to Begin a Website

Beginning a website can seem like a daunting task. However, we can break how to begin a website down into several subsections.

• Choosing a Domain Name
• Registering your Domain Name and Getting it Online
• Finding a great looking Free template for content
• Getting visitors (through SEO and other means for free)

Choosing a Domain Name

The starting point is choosing your Domain Name. This may seem like an easy task, but odds are your first, second, third etc. choice will already be taken. We need to get a little creative here. We can add "e", "my", "the" etc. to your chosen Domain name and chances are we will get lucky. You can also use a free online tool called Domainsbot (Google it!) to give you some great options when your fist choice domain is taken up.

We also want to make sure we make the Domain Name relevant. Search Engines love to rank sites high who's keywords are in the URL. Make the Domain Name as relevant and as short as possible - so visitors can easily recall your Domain Name if they want to revisit!

Registering your Domain Name and Getting it Online

Perhaps the easiest of the 4 steps. The hosting company you select will actually do this for you. All you have to do is select a hosting company. I would not suggest free hosting companies. They're servers tend to be oversubscribed. Picture it like Wal-Mart on Black Friday. Everything tends to grind to a halt! Do a little research online, Google "web hosting providers" - you certainly have a vast choice! The 2 I have had great experiences with are Fat Cow and HostGator. The only 1 I have had any issues with is 1and1.

Finding a Great Looking Free Template for Content

I will dispel two myths here:

• You don't have to spend thousands on developing a website, in fact you don't have to spend anything!
• You don't have to be a web genius to get your content from your PC to the Web

There are lots of great free resources where you can download templates from the web, just do a Google search for "free web templates". My favorite resources for free web templates are Templatemo, Template4all, dezinehub and Free CSS Templates.

You can also download a free FTP client to upload data (think of it as copy and paste, from your PC to your place on the web) using FileZilla

Getting Visitors

The fun begins! Your best source of visitors will be from the Search Engines. This is known as organic traffic, and is highly targeted because people are searching for keywords that match the content of your website. We use something called SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for this. You've probably heard that term before. The better optimized your website, the higher it will rank in the Search Engines.

The one thing that irritates me is how SEO companies make SEO sound so complex. It's not, nor should it be intimidating. Think about it, SEO companies are making it sound that way because they want your money, plain and simple. The cornerstone of any SEO campaign is to build backlinks back to your website. This can be accomplished through:

• Article Directories (like the one you're reading this on now!!)
• Web 2.0 Properties (WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Squidoo, Hubpages etc.)
• Social Bookmarking sites (Digg, Mixx etc.)
• Blog Commenting (find Blogs similar to yours and post useful information)
• Forum Signatures (find forums related to your content - you can usually place a link in your signature)
• .EDU/.GOV backlinks (score VERY high with the Search Engines!!)

Stephanie is the Co-Webmaster of www.howtobeginawebsite.com - a site dedicated to helping you build a successful website. Her site offers information and guides on topics such as choosing a Domain Name, Hosting, Website Content and specializes in providing free SEO resources, including a free step-by-step 6-wk SEO Blueprint!

Article Write By Stephanie Tully
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0 Six Steps To A Successful Website

1:44 PM Under From Seputar Dunia
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When you design a website, the first step should be to explore the audience in order to understand who they are. You just want their expectations and their needs to be catered. This method can help you decide on the approach that is best to maximize your audience's lifetime value. You can develop a requirement specification yourself after gathering your clients' requirements. Until both you and your clients' requirements are understood and identified you can refine your requirement specifications through many review processes.

Formulating A Web Strategy:

Just understanding the requirements is not enough. In the web designing process, the most important step is to formulate a strategy which is good for your website. Unfortunately many web enterprises never put any required effort or take ample time for the formulation of an appropriate strategy that's required for customer's business. They just create web sites which does not support their clients' business objectives. You might end up holding a site which is an absolute disaster and which is very less effective if your ideas are not strategized according to the current market trends.

Content Development:

Since it's like an art, it is important for you to identify the likes of your audience and then start determining how much they need, clarity, quality, and relevance to make your web content attractive. Many web designing companies only give importance to information management.

Verifying A Unified Solution:

Verification of your web site is an important unified solution for business needs. Any developing websites should be tested. These tests should be conducted by experts who can help in website validation in the areas of page layout, navigation, functionality, multimedia, accessibility, browser compatibility, and W3C compliance.

In addition to the above-mentioned things regarding parameters for total unified solution, reliability and security testing should be focused for both web application and ecommerce.

Custom Web Design/Re-Design:

Custom web designing is not a little step regarding how to create an attractive design. It is just not a good enough web design which can meet the business needs of the customer. Good enough only means that it is simply not enough. Your web site should be centered around the experience of the customer. In order to generate good ROI, right audience should be attracted.
Standing out from the rest:

Just having a website is not enough. You need to make yourself unique from the rest. Can you be found online by people? If you cannot be found online on google, yahoo, or bing, there is no use in fulfilling the business objectives. You are the outstanding person after you have established a website that is distinguished from the rest.

Constantly Tend To Your Website:

In addition to the steps that made you outstanding, feeding and care your web business is important.

Whether adding new services and products, tweaking SEO, updating your sitemap, reviewing your analytics, marketing campaigns, or launching promotions, your never-ending task is to keep your website effective and well tuned.

Even though you have crossed the hardest part, long-term success for your business depends on how you properly maintain the website.

Article Write By Gerald Ford
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0 Growing As A Web Designer To Be Better

1:44 PM Under From Seputar Dunia
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A subject like web design scares a lot of people from time to time. This is because they're unfamiliar with the subject, but just like anything else the more you learn about web design the more confident you become.

So use this article and the advice within it so that you can feel confident about web design.

IT Services Orlando

Use a tracking service, rather than displaying your visitor counter for all to read. Many websites still display their counters, yet they do not serve any real purpose. There are many high quality tracking services available, and some are even free. Use these instead of showing off how many people visit you.

When designing your website, make sure that users can easily access it without a lot of waiting or other trouble. Your visitors are interested in getting specific information about your products or services when they come to your site. They do not want to see a fancy, time-consuming introduction or wait forever for graphics to load.

Always check into exactly what your web host is proclaiming to provide before signing up with them and giving them your money. Many will claim unlimited bandwidth and other services, but this is really not the case. When reading the fine print you may discover that there are other limits on your account where you will never have the possibility of using your entire bandwidth allocation.

Test your site to see if the major translation services work properly when translating your site. Some sites receive many international visitors, and these visitors sometimes use services like BabelFish and Google Translate to translate the text to their language. Certain web design problems, especially poor server side code, can break these services.

If you own a commercial business, it is not in your best interest to use some of the free hosting services. While they may not cost anything to have your website on them, many times there are proprietary issues where you will not own the content or there are intrusive advertisements from the hosting company plastered on your website.

Don't overuse graphics. Pictures and other interesting graphics can be fun and visually pleasing, but keep in mind that those things take a long time to load on a site visitor's computer. Opinions are also different, so what you think is a great visual touch might be unattractive to someone else. Keep graphics simple and site visitors will better concentrate on your products, services, and content.

Don't host business websites on free hosting services. If you are attempting to sell a product, or some type of service, it is not professional to have your message being overwhelmed by non-associated advertising. Pay a host for their service, and you will be much better off in the long run.

Tackling something like web design really isn't that hard, at least when you know what you're doing. Hopefully with what you learned from this article you're feeling a little more confident in the subject and you're able to apply all the knowledge you gained to reach any of your endeavors.

For the finest IT Services Orlando contact us today. We can assist you with all of your IT and Computer needs in the Orlando, FL area. For more information give us a call or visit us online today!

Article Write By Lore Peres
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0 Why Safari than Chrome ?

1:43 PM Under From Seputar Dunia
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Safari is released by Steve Jobs at the Macworld Conference in 2003, nine years later, in 2008 developed Chrome with less than Safari half the time to far to Safari thrown in the back, which makes Safari feel then. Chrome's market share from 0% in 2008 to start the development to 25%, while Apple's Safari seems to have been hovering at between 5% -8%.

The two major browsers are based on Apple's layout engine Webkit stands to reason that Safari is the dominant, since both the operating system's default browser, many people use on the way, too lazy to download another browser.

With OS X Lion release, it seems Safari rebirth, Safari is the default browser, such third-party software like Chrome To start the more difficult, Safari also supports more features, such as multi-touch, Reading the List (can be synchronized between iOS and OS X Lion), these are the competitors do not possess, but a few months past the Safari growth is still slow, and only increased with Mac sold.

And the boom of mobile devices should also let Safari market share increase fishes, but the facts indicate no noticeable growth Safari market share, Chrome, Android, and mobile devices without any contact browser but rapid development. Why?

Because of Windows?

Many people may think that this is not simply Chrome running on Windows operating system, while Safari most of the time for Apple's own system, Windows VS OS X which use crowd? Obviously the former Chrome course than Safari hair really fast, but, in fact, Safari than Chrome earlier landing Windows.

In June 2007, Safari for Windows Beta version has been released, the official version was released in March 2008, while Chrome was released in September 2008, Chrome using only a year's time than Safari.

Since it is not Window reasons, then what is it?

Because of the speed?

Large number Benchmark tests show that Chrome regardless of the aspect of the page opens JavaScript performance, fastest speed.

However, when Safari released Windows version when the test result is the same, whether on a Mac or PC test time is the fastest, if only because of the speed, then Safari in June 2007 should like chrome in September 2008.

Because the plug?

Is Chrome wins in the plug? Perhaps, but Safari when in mid-2010 has also been many plug-ins, of course, Chrome plugin quality is better and more abundant, enough Safari lagging behind Chrome developers would probably have been the game implantation Chrome Moreover, Firefox Esen implanted in Chrome and Safari plug-in, is not lost to Chrome?

One reason: Safari with them uncomfortable, Google promotion to the force

A lot of people complain about Safari for Windows is annoying, and used that actual performance between Firefox and IE, despite the great test results, and the latest version of Apple Safari 5.1 continues angered everyone. In addition, Safari and iTunes bound for some time, the more reason to get a lot of market share, but it seems a lot of people to download it but not use it.

The other side, the browser, Google done a lot of publicity, Google.com occasional Chrome let you download.

The second reason: unique features

Frankly, I am also the Chrome fans, Chrome's many performance is Safari do not possess. The important point is that the the Chrome new design "New Tab", more visual, users can more easily manage the application, the most visited sites. Provides the most visited sites in the function bar on the bottom of the page, the application of small labels, clicks between two pages, switching, other browsers do not have it unique Office.

Article Write By Alex John
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